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Children’s Orthotics


Orthotics are necessary not just to improve foot alignment and stability but also to improve the alignment and stability of the whole body. Just like the foundations of a house, if they start to drop in one corner, cracks in the cornices will start to show all over the house.
Children’s feet are very different to adult feet as we all start life with flat feet. In fact, it’s prudent to point out that it’s not just the feet that is different but also how children walk (gait), starting with a wide base of gait with a stomping style. As a toddler’s nervous system develops and the nerve messages from feet to brain and back again speeds up (development of myelin sheaths) the movement becomes more refined and smoother in its delivery gradually moving from a stomping style to a heel to toe action but this doesn’t happen until the child is 3-4 years of age.
During normal developmental stages, the foot establishes core muscle strength, develops balance, learns how to react quickly to changes surfaces (proprioception) forming the 3 crucial arches of the foot. All this happens when we learn to walk (mostly barefooted) and this process should not be underestimated or interfered with. Should this process fail, common children’s foot complaints will start to emerge such as “growing pains”, “tired legs” and Sever’s disease.

So when should children be prescribed foot orthotics?

This is an important question to consider because children under the age of 3-4 usually don’t need orthotics unless they have major symptoms or an underlying medical condition. Our Podiatrist Dr Ella takes an extremely conservative approach when prescribing orthotics to children. Prescribing too soon will interfere with the normal developmental stages of the child’s foot and gait, prescribe too late and risk developing avoidable conditions such as Sever’s disease.

As a parent, you know when something isn’t quite right so trust your judgement and get your child assessed properly to avoid feelings of regret. Dr Ella is a warm, personable podiatrist making your child feel at ease immediately. She loves working with children which is why she is such a successful children’s Podiatrist.


How are children assessed for an orthotic?


Dr Ella only prescribes foot orthotics following a thorough lower limb assessment combined with a  computer gait analysis

Her aim is to see if orthotics are the best option to:

  • Reduce your child’s symptoms caused by poor foot mechanics
  • Improve the movement of the foot and lower leg
  • Establish a normal gait pattern depending on their developmental stage
  • Protect the muscles, tendon, ligaments, bones and joints from unnatural excessive forces due to poor foot biomechanics
  • Prevent the development of consequential conditions such as bunions, toe or heel deformities
Dr Ella has heard from some parents that previously prescribed orthotics from other clinics have been too hard or uncomfortable for their child. Dr Ella’s experience has been, this is almost always caused by an inaccurate prescription.

How long are children’s orthotics prescribed for?


This will depend on your child’s clinical findings as some will be prescribed short term whilst others may require them, long term. The important thing is to review your child every 3 – 6 months to monitor their development, gait patterns and response to the orthotics.

Dr Ella’s primary’s aim is to ensure orthotics are prescribed short term wherever possible as she places great emphasis on strength and conditioning of the lower leg and foot. Creating dependency is a poor long term plan. Dr Ella mostly finds children who require orthotics long term generally have an underlying genetic condition where the bones and joints of the feet function poorly and need the assistant of an orthotic. Fortunately, this is not common but for those in need, they benefit enormously from wearing them.


Are there different types of children’s orthotics?


Children’s orthotics can be

  • prefabricated
  • mouldable prefabricated
  • non-cast orthotics
  • gait plates 
  • custom made


Dr Ella will recommend the most cost-effective orthotic that will not compromise your child’s individual needs. Dr Ella is acutely aware that as your child’s foot grows the orthotic size will need to change which may mean multiple sets of orthotics. There is no point in prescribing a custom made orthotic that can only be used short-term when a prefabricated orthotic at a fraction of the cost will do the job equally as good. 


Why choose our Podiatrist Dr Ella, for children’s orthotics


Our Brunswick Podiatrist Dr Ella Wright:
  • Has extensive experience prescribing orthotics to children of all ages
  • Has a thorough understanding of children’s growth and development milestones
  • Treats many childhood foot conditions that are functional, structural and genetic
  • Is very conservative in prescribing orthotics and will use other treatment avenues first
  • Oversees and monitors strength and conditioning exercise programs via Physitrack App
  • Uses the latest technology in computer gait analysis