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Dry Needling



Dry needling stems from western medicine principles. It is commonly used when people are experiencing pain in their muscles caused by tight muscle bands forming ‘trigger points’.

‘Trigger points’ can generate as a result of overload or muscular imbalances in the lower leg and foot.

The needling is used to reduce myofascial tension to improve muscle function and reduce pain levels.


What can I expect with dry needling?


Dr Ella will use a very fine, single-use, sterile needle and carefully insert it into the trigger point area to release myofascial tension. The needle will then be left in the area for approximately 5 minutes before careful removal.

This process is quite painless, most patients describe the pain as nothing more than a small ‘’prick to the skin’’.


Dr Ella will only use dry needling after having a thorough discussion with the patient about the process, as she understands some people can be hesitant with treatments involving needles.